

“A modality developed by Chiropractor and Counsellor Dr. Sarah Jane. It is a practice that combines Eastern and Western thought, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.”

“Through light yet powerful touch (and often no touch), an organic flow of movement and sound begins and progresses to shift, unwind, discover and release tension, resistance, and stories that may have been stored in the body. The movements and sounds are natural and primordial, they are a response to the treatment and are driven by an individual's energy, intuition and instinct.”

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Quick! Do me a favor? Take a deep breath in. That’s it. Now, unclench your jaw. Nice! Now can you soften your shoulders for me? Thank you.

Usually that’s all it really takes to bring you back to the here and now. But did you know there’s more than one way to breathe? More than one way to come to the present moment? For some of us Ujayi breath just doesn’t feel right. Kapalabhati breath? Forget about it. But there’s so many other options out there and I can’t wait to discover which makes your heart sing.

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What time of day do you like to practice? What’s the current season? How are you feeling? What life experiences are you going through right now? Believe it or not but all of these factors hold knowledge on what is the best practice for you this day and in this moment.

We like to believe that we are capable of doing our best every moment of everday and we are… to a degree. But our best changes with what we are experiencing. Your best after grief may be much different than your best after you’ve started a new career or even having a baby. I’m here to help you discover what’s best for you in the season you’re currently in and together we can get where you want to be. Having clear goals can help but leaving space for grace can take you that much further.

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Chronic pain can be difficult to manage but not impossible. Let’s work together to help manage the aches and pains you’ve grown accustomed to working around. Life is meant to be enjoyed not something to avoid.

Rather than put a bandaid on the pain, lets address your symptoms with a Private Yoga session. You don’t need 37 vinyasas and a tight ass or a six-pack. You need relief and you need it now. Let’s take a look at your habits and hobbies and see how we can change little things in your established routine to create space for relief. Working with breath, asana and positive affirmations we’ll find what sooths your aches and pains, getting you back to experiencing life with joy and ease.

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Manifestation, self acceptance, a decent nights sleep? There are a million themes for personalized meditations.

What style of meditaion will serve you best? Let’s find out. Together we’ll create a custom meditation or Yoga Nidra that nourishes your needs. Whether it’s five minutes in the car or half an hour at home. We can find a length that serves your lifestyle.

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“Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.”

In the studio you receive Reiki lying on the floor, on a table or sitting in a chair. You are fully clothed and resting comfortably as Reiki flows wherever it is most needed. Reiki sessoins can be booked in 30 | 60 | 90 minute increments. This can be in person or online— no Zoom necessary. In person, this may also include the use of sound and essential oils. Please be sure to indicate if you have any allergies or sensitivities..

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