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  • 6/29/24

    A day before my session with Kennady, I had undergone what felt like a tremendous heartbreak. My heart was aching, it felt like physical pain in my heart chakra. I wasnt sure when it would heal. Throughout my session I felt deeply relaxed and started to fall asleep. At one point I was seeing closed eye visuals. Afterwards I felt like I needed to go home and rest for the night. Now 4 days later, my heartache is nearly gone. Usually it would take me quite a while to get over a heartbreak, sometimes months or years. This time, I feel like the spinal energetics assisted in my emotional healing process, and realigned me with my priorities and mission on Earth. Although the heartbreak still slightly hurts, it has immensely worn off faster than expected. I would recommend trying this when times are really tough and seeing how it helps you heal!!!

  • 6/6/24

    Kennady gives great feedback and correction, she knows just how far to push you so that you feel your practice improving and your body getting stronger. I’ve loved attending her classes for a while and her one on one instruction was even more beneficial. She has just an overall positive presence and energy.

  • 5/23/24

    My reiki session made me feel floaty and weightless. I could sense the energy flowing from her hands to my being almost like running your fingers over static on an old TV. Being open to trying this experience is a must 👏 my heart is full and my energies (mentally and physically) feel balanced

  • 5/29/24

    From yoga to meditation, and from everything in between, Ken will open your mind and soul ✨ highly recommend her 👏

  • 5/26/24

    Overall, I had a good experience. I started to experience chest pains and/or anxiety at one point during the reiki session, but that went away. I mostly felt very relaxed and content. I was teary eyed at some points as well, but even that still occurred with feeling contentment.